Friday, November 17, 2006

Not Exactly A Mind Bender

Havent been posting too much lately - and doesnt seem too many people have been reading. Its hard to try and keep this blog thing going. But I plan on trying.

Anyway, I've been working on a post about why John McCain should never be President. Hopefully that will be done soon. Until then, I thought this was kinda funny...

A Pretty Easy Question:

As I type this, the VC is featuring an ad for the movie Fast Food Nation, which asks, "Who do you think is harmed most by fast food chains: the animals; the workers; or the consumers?"

Hmm, unless McDonalds et al. are paying for the slaughter of workers and consumers, grinding them up, cooking them, and serving them in their restaurants, I'll have to go with "the animals."

From the Volokh Conspiracy - probably the best law blog (also called a "blawg") out there.


At 7:29 PM, November 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that I read and enjoy your blog. You are an excellent writer and I find your ideas interesting and thought provoking. Also, love your sense of humor :)

At 11:04 PM, November 19, 2006, Blogger Osman said...

Let me second that. I'm here reading (or waiting to pounce, if you rather).

So if not McCain, which candidate will you throw your support behind?

Of more immediate interest, given we have two years of lame duck presidency ahead, what's your take on Al Jazeera's English Launch?

At 5:08 AM, November 20, 2006, Blogger Jordan's Dad said...

I'll be supporting Giuliani. McCain has a good shot at the nomination, though - and I might have no choice but to vote for him.

As for Al Jazeera English, I have no opinion sine I havent seen it. But if I were CNN, I'd be pretty nervous...


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